Gurmat Therapy ®
Gurmat Psychology ®
School of Gurmat Metaphysical Science

Re-defining Health, Wellbeing & Being Human

An ontological psycho-spiritual approach to optimising mental, emotional, physical & transpersonal health and wellness

Health begins within the mind, those ignorant of the mind are ignorant about health

Bridging science & spirituality
Gurmat Psychology – Science of Consciousness   

Gurmat Psycho-Spiritual Psychology for self-actualisation, self-realisation and self-sovereignty.

Gurmat  Therapy an experiential approach to practical inner wisdom and higher consciousness  

Gurmat therapy is based on Gurmat Psychology (trans-personal psychology), Gurmat Philosophy and Gurmat Metaphysical Science.
It is a holistic model to cultivate mental, emotional, physical and transpersonal health and wellbeing.

Gurmat therapy is based on pre-sectarian authentic wisdom tradition of Gurmat.

Gurmat therapy at its central concepts are nonduality, self-transcendence, and optimal human development and psycho-spiritual health

Gurmat psychology is based on nonduality, the recognition that each part (e.g., each person -expression) is fundamentally and ultimately a part of the whole (timeless consciousness)

Gurmat therapy provides a safe, supportive, progressive and experiential process to self development and egoic transcendence 

Gurmat therapeutic practices, including meditation, self inquiry, states of consciousness offering immediate and effective antidotes to stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, OCD and other related issues.

Gurmat therapy empowers the inidvidual to cultivate to address the root cause of mental and emotional health and psychophysiology.

Gurmat is a highly-sophisticated approach to human psychology, emotion, cognition, behaviour and motivation along with therapeutic practices that are designed to address the root cause of mental, emotional, physical and transpersonal (spiritual) suffering.

Gurmat therapy is the latest offering from the rich and diverse domain of Consciousness based psychology that is based on ideas and practices that developed over centuries within the Indian subcontinent, with an unbroken lineage of students and masters of self-discovery, consciousness and expression of ultimate human potential

Gurmat therapy: evidence based authentic decolonised approach to psychology and therapy.

The Gurmat therapeutic approach is founded on the cultivation of mental health (peace, tranquility and contentment) and emotional health (self-compassion & compassion).

Gurmat’s therapeutic goals include, actualising a healthy sense of self, recognising the role of the ego-complex (hau) in creating psychological and psycho-physiological suffering, cultivating an ethical, interconnected, wholesome lifestyle that enables self-actualisation, self-realisation and self-sovereignty.

Gurmat therapy is the study of embodied consciousness, of Jiva, including the holistic study and understanding of human nature, exploration and the actualisation of its latent potential for the health of the individual and society at large.

In the Gurmat model of health, wholeness, integration, connectivity, freedom, creativity and enjoyment are central to human experience.

Gurmat therapy science of Consciousness, unlocking stages into states of consciousness.

Gurmat therapy’s Hridya Medicine Advanced Science of Self-healing & Health-regeneration

Gurmats’ underlying philosophy, conceptual frameworks, methods of enquiry, and practices to access consciousness and bring about psychological change and transformation provide a safe and secure model for healing, health, wellbeing and human flourishing.

Gurmat therapy has demonstrated itself to be highly effective in cultivating human potential, health and wellbeing

Gurmat therapy has demonstrated itself to be life changing, profoundly transformative

Gurmat, Consciousness, Transpersonal, Mind, Awakening, Spiritual, Ontology, Mysticism, Egoic-complex, Hridya, Freqency medicine, Transcendence, Practical, Meditation, Naam, Naad, Sound, Awareness, Symran, Sangat, 



Gurmat Therapy Ltd
 company no 12698856
registered in england and wales
Belvedere Tamworth Road, Keresley End, Coventry, England, CV7 8JJ

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